Monday, January 5, 2009

The Green politics of Kolkata

The city of joy is struggling between the drama of environmentalist and the politicians yet again. Another step towards the improvement of the city has been hackneyed by our politicians lead by our elder sister (“DIDI”).

Kolkata High Court had passed the order to ban 2 stroke autos 3 months ago. Nothing was done by the government to create a system for smooth conversion of 2 stroke auto engines to LPG, during this period. Instead when the deadline approached the same old hue and cry is being raised by the politicians along with the auto drivers just to capture the vote of condolence before assembly elections. I think, the Indian Supreme Court should also dictate some strict rules for these politicians.

It is high time for the following key actions:

  1. Government should educate auto drivers on the beneficiaries of conversion to LPG rather then just joining their agitations blindly.
  2. The enforcement of the law should be strict and planned in such a way that all the communities involved understand the importance of saving the environment. Communities should participate by discussing on how they can help in achieving the target rather then just agitating against all the orders that creates a little discomfort for them. Politicians helping in such violent agitations should be punished immediately.
  3. Educated local commuters by auto should try to create awareness among the auto drivers with the success stories of LPG conversions in other states of India and how it will help the auto drivers in long run.
  4. Something should be done to stop the production of “KATI TEL”. So much is being heard about their production and use, why does government don’t take steps to control its production and use.
  5. Traffic policemen should realize their job now at least. Aren’t they bored of just being a silent watcher?
  6. Government should define policy that may encourage auto rickshaw drivers to convert to LPG quickly. Let us make those drivers feel that we are not against them but are there to support them by enriching them with the vision and wisdom that is lacking.

We make our government and we destroy it. We are the supporting pillars which ensure that a governing body functions efficiently. Oppositions protesting against every government policy are not a healthy politics. Let us stand for our environment. We all need it.

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